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Definition of ‘backer’ in Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary

What is a Backer?

A backer is someone who makes a financial contribution to a project or campaign.

A backer is someone who financially supports a project or enterprise.

When you back a project on Kickstarter, you’re essentially pre-ordering the product. You receive a digital or physical copy of the product when it’s released, and depending on the pledge level you choose, you may also receive other perks like exclusive access to the project’s beta testing or merchandise. Backers are also responsible for paying any applicable taxes.

Why do we use the word ‘backer’?


The word ‘backer’ is used in various contexts, and its meaning can be quite specific depending on the context. In general, though, a backer is someone who financially supports a cause or venture. They may provide money, goods, or services in exchange for something they hope to receive in return. For example, a politician may seek financial backers in order to win election. Alternatively, someone may pledge support for a new product or idea on Kickstarter.

Does the word ‘backer’ always have good connotations?

The word ‘backer’ has a variety of meanings depending on the context. In some cases, backers are people who contribute money or goods to help a cause or project. In other cases, backers are people who support someone or something by putting pressure on them to do better. The most common usage, however, is when someone backs someone else in a race or contest. This means that they are supporting that person and hoping that they will win. Because this meaning can be negative, it is important to be careful when using the word ‘backer’.

Different meanings of the word ‘backer’

1. A supporter, specifically of a football team or other sport, who donates money or goods towards the cost of tickets, merchandise, etc.

2. One who provides financial assistance to another person, especially in a time of need.

3. A person who agrees to give money as a pledge for the purpose of raising money for a cause or enterprise.

The word ‘backer’ has different meanings depending on the context it is used. In general, a backer is someone who contributes money or resources to a cause or project. For example, a politician might receive financial backing from their backers in order to run for office. In sports, a backer is someone who contributes money to help a team win. A supporter of a political or social cause can also be considered a backer.

The origins of the word ‘backer’

The word ‘backer’ is derived from the Old French word bannir, which means to ban. The first recorded use of the word was in 1322. At this time, it meant someone who supported a cause or person. Over time, the meaning of the word changed and it came to be used specifically for financial help.


The definition of backer in the Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary is “someone who gives financial support to a project, enterprise, or person.” In other words, backers are people who help make things happen by donating money or goods. They might be individuals, businesses, or organizations. Backers can be anonymous or identifiable.




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